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Dept. of Food & Nutrition

The aim of this department lies in helping students to acquire essential knowledge in the fields of nutrition, foodservice, and food science as well as in developing professionals who are prepared to serve the individual, family and community with regard to dietary habits for the purpose of improving the health of the population.

Subject Overview

Introduction to Computer Science
This course aims to establish an academic background and ability by teaching computer as the core of information technology.
Introduction to Education
Introduction to Education helps understand education, the current state of education, and future considerations regarding overall education for students who want to be a teacher.
Practice of Educational Methods
Practice of Educational Methods helps to understand the overall education methods based on education.
General Chemistry and Laboratory
General Chemistry and Laboratory explains fundamental principles that are the basis of chemistry. This course also examines how to apply these principles in real life using theories and experiments.
Public Health
Public Health contributes to health preservation and maintenance for the community by lecturing on public health.
This course aims to understand the human life cycle by studying the holistic functions of internal organs. This course also teaches the causes and elements that disturb or enhance body functions.
Basic Nutrition IㆍII
Basic Nutrition IㆍII teach how to live a healthy life style by maintaining and understanding the essential nutrition, digestion, absorption, metabolism processes, and food supply.
Food Materials
Food Materials explains the basics of food and lectures on the characteristics of ingredients found in food through a specialized study.
Bread Making Practice IㆍII
Bread Making Practice IㆍII gives an understanding of theories and techniques of bread making by directly producing various types of fermented and non- fermented bread.
Nutrition Education
Nutrition Education provides the basis to plan, implement, and evaluate dietary adequacy for target populations at medical centers, companies and schools according to age and activity levels. This course also examines methods to improve individual diets by studying how to improve nutrition.
Principles of Food Preparation
This course aims to scientifically improve people's diets by studying cooking and learning the physical, structural, and chemical characteristics of ingredients of each food.
Food Chemistry and Laboratory
Food Chemistry and Laboratory deals with types, structures and the characteristics of food ingredients. This course also helps to understand ingredient changes that occur during food storage by conducting food analysis experiments.
Food Microbiology and Laboratory
Food Microbiology and Laboratory lectures on basic food theories affecting growth, metabolism and microorganisms genetics. This course helps to apply the above in daily diet and the food industry by experimenting with isolation and cultivation, morphological characteristics and physiological characteristics of microorganisms.
Food Service Administration
Managers responsible for institutional foodservice shall learn the foodservice management as well as nutrition according to the management technique that is developing with the changing life style. This course addresses purchase methods and personnel management required in the practical business of foodservice by learning business administration with the background of contemporary institutional foodservice.
Institutional food service
Institutional foodservice focuses on nutrition management, menu preparation, and sanitation management in order to work as a dietitian. This course analyzes and evaluates the above in various aspects and according to the needs of feeding and cooking.
Food Preparation Laboratory
Food Preparation Laboratory teaches the historical background of Korean food as well as its characteristics, types, table setting, and table manners. This course aims to cultivate specialized daily diet administrators by teaching materials, cooking processes and serving through cooking practice.
Diet Therapy
Diet Therapy teaches the causes and nutritional concerns that effectively help to prevent and treat disease. In this course, the appropriate cooking lessons previously learned from Basic Nutrition, Cooking Principal and Practices would be applied.
Life Cycle Nutrition
Life Cycle Nutrition explains the various phenomenons that occur during a person's lifetime with special physiological actions and characteristics. This course helps to understand the changes of metabolism within the body and the relationship between nutrition, and the above physiological characteristics and recommenced daily requirements.
Biochemistry and Laboratory
Biochemistry and Laboratory provides an opportunity to learn about cellular structures and functions as applied to the chemical processes involved with food organisms. This course also addresses digestion, absorption, synthesis and the decomposition process of metabolized substances such as carbohydrates, protein and fat.
Hygiene Law
Hygiene Law lectures on case studies of regulations and restrictions related to overall hygiene.
On-the-Job Training
On-the-Job Training aims to increase practical adaptive capabilities by working in related fields. This course cultivates the application ability through participation in actual nutrition related businesses.
Advanced Nutrition
Advanced Nutrition's goal is to identify the physiological effects, chemical features, and other characteristics of each nutrient and to gain the applied knowledge of nutrition by learning its impact on metabolism of the human body.
Community Nutrition
Community Nutrition helps to understand the importance and application of nutrition education to improve community health and nutritional status. This course also teaches attitudes for a dietitian as well as a community nutritionist.
Clinical Nutrition
By handling nutrition problems as a part of health preservation, this course cultivates maintenance and disease remedy capabilities as well as nutrition guidance.
Food Hygiene
Food Hygiene studies issues and examples related to food hygiene that are likely to occur in all phases of the production, from manufacturing to the consumption of food.
Computer Management for Food Service
Computer Management for Foodservice contributes to the improvement of food service through computer management practice. Nutrition management, menu management, purchase management, cooking supervision, statistic, and analysis are taught in this course.
Food Processing. Preservation and Practice
This course aims to cultivate specialized food nutrition administrators by teaching and training analysis inspection methods in an academic way so as to judge the quality of food as well as production of various foods.
Western Cuisine Practice
Western Cuisine Practice teaches the preparation of western cooking after learning the theory and basic skills of western cooking.
Sociocultural Aspects of Nutrition
Sociocultural Aspects of Nutrition teaches human health regarding nutrition issues from historical, anthropological issues to sociocultural viewpoints on a basis of natural science.
Environment Hygiene
Environment Hygiene aims to contribute to national health by teaching about sanitary life and the relevant environmental elements impacting human life.
Catering Field Experience
Catering Field Experience narrows the distance between school and industries by providing on-the-job training in catering industries and hotels. This course also strives to connect these opportunities with future employment.
Institutional Foodservice Practice
Institutional Foodservice Practice aims to meet the role and tasks for new dietitians through training and cultivating practical capabilities. This course enables students to lead group food service management in academic and systematic ways.
Accounting and Cost Management
By studying reasonable and economic purchase methods, this course provides an opportunity for students to learn the practical business of accounting and cost management in order to effectively operate group food service.
Nutritional Assessment
This course teaches nutritional assessment through theory and practice. This course focuses on dietary assessment, anthropometrical measurement and biochemical analysis to assess the nutritional state of individuals and the public.
Experimental Cooking
Experimental Cooking enables students to understand the physiochemical and nutritional ingredient changes that occur during cooking. This course also helps to apply these theoretical facts to various cooking methods.
Foodservice & Restaurant Management
Food Service & Restaurant Management aims to improve foodservice quality and to cultivate specialized capabilities in a practical way. This course teaches effective management of foodservice and restaurant grand openings and day-to-day operations.
Food Analysis
Food Analysis lectures on various food analyses. Basic theories of analysis and instrumental analysis using ultramodern devices are taught. This course also teaches food components and their changes through analytical experiments based on various foods.
Fermented Foods
Fermented Foods explains the importance of fermentated food (soybean fermentation, kimchi, etc) produced by using beneficial microbes and manufacturing principles.
Food & Health
Food & Health enables students to conduct a healthy life by suggesting prevention and therapies for various nutritional diseases through proper diet.
Field Experience in Dietetics
Field Experience in Dietetics builds up adaptive capabilities and teaches quality as a dietitian through on-the-job training in institutional food service sectors such as hospitals, schools, and industries.
Cuisine Practice
Japanese Cuisine Practice helps to prepare for the Japanese cuisine license exam after teaching theory and skills for Japanese cooking.
Hospitality Service
Hospitality Service helps to learn the importance of service in the operation of catering and food service business. This course also teaches how to satisfy customers by creating detailed service methods and ideas.
Meal Planning
Meal planning should be performed considering nutrition, economy, and culture. This course allows students to contribute to individual and social health as a meal planner by planning and practicing daily diet in and out of the home.
Food Safety & Sanitation Management Practice
Food Safety & Sanitation Management Practice enables students to contribute to food poisoning prevention and HACCP for the improvement of hygienic and food safety levels.
Seminar in Food and Nutrition
Seminar in Food and Nutrition cultivates the ability to apply overall knowledge related to food and nutrition in general.
Cake Decoration Practice ?
In this course, students will learn basic cake decorating techniques and improve upon their artistic styles.
Table Setting
This course allows students to obtain general background knowledge on eating habits while learning about the harmony that exists between colors and shapes of foods. Students will be able to cultivate the knowledge for creating a beautiful table setting that is appropriate for the people, time and space.


Dietitian in cafeteria, the large organizations, schools and Health Centers. Restaurant manager, Laboratory technician in food research institutes and hygienic technician in the food processing firms.