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Dept. of Food & Nutrition

Dept. of Food & Nutrition Course

Course Title Freshman
Sem.1 Sem.2
Credits Hours Credits Hours
Theory Practice Theory Practice
00257  Principles of Business Administration 2 2
00430  Understanding to Movie 2 2
00212  Introduction to Computer Science 2 2
00432  Diet & Health 2 2
00433  Recreation 2 2
00303  Community & Human Relations 2 2
00262  English I 2 2
00250  Physical Education 2 2
00425  Ethics 2 2
Sub Total 6 6 12 12
Major 20104  Basic NutritionI 2 2
20201  Physiology 3 3
20210  Food Materials 2 2
20202  General Chemistry Public Health 3 3
20275  Bread Making PracticeI 2 1 2
20116  Cuisine Practice 2 4
20112  Basic Nutrition Ⅱ 2 2
20270  Food Processing Preservation 3 2
20205  Food Science 3 3
20276  Bread Making Practice Ⅱ 2 2 1
20101  Principles of Food Preparation 3 2 2
20354  Food Coordination Ⅰ 2 4
Sub Total 14 11 6 15 10 10
Total 20 17 6 27 22 10

Dept. of Food & Nutrition Course

Course Title Sophomore
Sem.1 Sem.2
Credits Hourse Credits Hourse
Theory Practice Theory Practice
00263  English Ⅱ 2
00235  Korean History 2
Sub Total 4
Major 20207  Public Health 2 2
20155  Group Feeding sanicaltion 3 3
20154  Biochemistry 3 2 2
20219  Life Cycle Nutritio Biochemistry and Laboratory 3 2 2
20363  Food Beverage Service 2 2
20110  Nutrition Education 2 1 2
20175  Foodservice & Restaurant Management 2 2
20355  Food Coordination Ⅱ 2 4
20262  Advanced Nutrition 3 3
20229  Community Nutrition 2 2
20209  Group Feeding and Practice 2 1 2
20360  Western Cuisine Practice 2 4
20156  Food Analysis 3 2 2
20157  Food Hygiene Computer Management for Food service 3 3
20174  Food Preparation Laboratory 2 1 2
20170  Clinical Nutrition 3 3
Sub Total 19 14 10 20 15 10
Course for
20351  Introduction to Education 2 2
Sub Total 2 2
Total 23 18 10 22 17 10

Dept. of Food & Nutrition Course

Course Title Junior
Sem.1 Sem.2
Credits Hourse Credits Hourse
Theory Practice Theory Practice
Major 20105  On The Job Training 2
20117  Feeding Information Management 2 2
20218  Diet Therapy 3 2 2
20177  Food & Health 2 2
20181  Dietary Life and Culture 2 2
20111  Food Microbiology 3 2 2
20358  Nutritional Assessment & Consultation 3 2 2
20361  Japanese Cuisine Practice 2 4
20256   Environment Hygiene 3 3
20357  HACCP Practice 3 3
20364  Functional Foods 2 2
20365  Accounting and Cost Management 2 2
20220  Dietary Life Management 2 2
20269  Seminar in Food and Nutrition 2 2
20226  Food Hygiene Law 2 2
20366  Nutritionist Practice 2 2
20212  Community Nutrition 2 2
Sub Total 22 15 10 17 17
Course for
20352  Education Method & Practice 2 2
Sub Total 2 2
Total 24 17 10 17 17