The Airline Service Department of Shingu college the first to be established 2-years college as years required for graduation shall be 3 years. Our Long-term aim is to cultivate service experts with expert qualifications in air transportation business and its related industries through specified training and learning programs. For this purpose , this department focuses on training in the workplace lab reproduced perfectly and Reinforces employment competitiveness through high-intensity interview training proceed in minority. Also, trains foreign language to acquire communication skills.
Subject Overview
- Cabin Familiarization & Cabin Safety
- Cabin Familiarization & Cabin Safety focuses on understanding df the structure of the aircraft, cabin equipment and systems usage. Also, door operation In an emergency situation, response procedures and techniques can be learned.
- Passenger psychology
- Passenger psychology provides the theory and practice of human relations techniques to satisfy many customers face-to-face and respond to them the nature of the aviation industry.
- Customer Service Role Play (1), (2)
- This course is designed to enable students to learn practical skills for passenger service. The main objective of this course is to gain an correct manners and customer-facing services as A service expert with proper attitude
- Introduction to Tourism
- Introduction of Tourism Management teaches the meaning of tourism through a business administrative approach of studying major areas of tourism and basic theories of tourism.
- Global Service Manner
- Global Service Manner focuses on understanding about a culture based on culture-specific manners and etiquette, through case studies and hands-on practice.
- Interview Practice (1), (2)
- This course teaches how to Interview, and help students who are interested in the domestic and international airlines employment interview to gain confidence through repetitive training.
- Secretarial Office Management
- Secretarial Office Management cultivates the knowledge about information management for the secretarial work performed, understanding of office information and clerical duties.
- Society & Human Relationships
- This course aims to acquire the correct values, which emphasizes emotional, psychological, and social factors of the human. Help improve interpersonal skills and social adaptability.
- Practical English
- Practical English trains students to utilize proper English that is suitable for actual circumstances by gradually increasing students' communicative levels from basic conversation upwards through conversational practice.
- Service Communication (1), (2)
- This course aims to develop students' abilities in communication required in the field of service. Particularly emphasizes the importance of in-flight announcement skill in Korean& English, pronunciation, announcement contents and representation.
- Swimming
- This course aims to develop students' basic fitness and the ability to swim by their level. Through this, they can be eligible for the airlines employment.
- Image-Making Practice
- This course helps students to develop an image that suits them-selves. Also, it enables them to upgrade image making skills as a professional service expert.
- Global Culture & Travel
- Global Culture & Travel introduce a variety of cultures and world heritage. Through the world's major tourist destinations provided by this course, students will experience the world direct or indirect.
- Presentation Practice
- This course provides the theory and a variety of techniques about presentation: such as kinds of presentation, components, material producing using power point and presentation skills. Based on this, it helps students to expand their confidence to presentation.
- Cabin Service Practice (1), (2)
- This course is designed to enable students to learn general information & practical skills for cabin service through practice according to domestic and international in-flight service procedure.
- Airline Flight Duty
- Airline Flight Duty is a general introduction to crew regulation and duty, At the same time students will gain a better understanding of in-flight safety procedure.
- In-Flight English Conversation (1), (2)
- Communication ability is considerably important service in hospital industry. This course emphasizes the effect of neat conversation and helps students to communicate with foreigners in a variety of in-flight circumstances.
- In-Flight Food & Beverage (1), (2)
- This course enables students to establish an academic background for In-Flight food and beverage, also offers a wide knowledge of the wine. This course also teaches international etiquettes for food service and provides the opportunity to experience practical skills for food and beverage service.
- Airline Management
- This course is a general introduction to aviation industry. It helps students to gain the knowledge necessary for the particularity of the aviation industry, business organization & environment as an expert, also to acquire expertise in all aspects of aviation management.
- Airline Reservations & Ticketing (1), (2)
- This course offers theoretical learning to understand the basic reservation ticketing tasks in the business of airlines and travel agents, and offers opportunity to do practical exercise for passenger reservations, ticketing-related tasks.
- Aviation Medical Affairs
- Accidentally patient can be occurred during flight.This course helps students to gain the basic knowledge on appropriate prevention and remedy of patient onboard.
- Aviation Japanese (1), (2), (3)
- This course aims to develop a smooth Japanese speaking ability by learning featured expression and essential vocabulary. Furthermore helps students to learn and utilize the services representation and sentence patterns required on board.
- Practical Airline Service
- This course is a general introduction to information and knowledge about the airline transportation. As well as students will learn the practical knowledge about the relevant business.
- Aviation Chinese (1), (2), (3), (4)
- This course aims to develop a smooth Chinese speaking ability by learning featured expression and essential vocabulary. Furthermore helps students to learn and utilize the services representation and sentence patterns required on board.
- TOEIC Reading (1), (2)
- This course aims to raise students’overall English proficiency through TOEIC reading practice problem-solving, and helps students prepare for the TOEIC test required by the airlines hiring.
- TOEIC Grammar (1), (2)
- TOEIC scores currently are essential to be a stewardess. This course aims to raise students’overall English proficiency through TOEIC grammar practice problem-solving, and helps students prepare for the TOEIC test required by the airlines hiring.
- TOEIC Listening (1), (2)
- This course aims to raise students’overall English proficiency through TOEIC listening practice problem-solving, and helps students prepare for the TOEIC test required by the airlines hiring.